Erin Miles, LMT
Providing a heart centered approach to massage therapy


Below you will find testimonials shared, with permission, from clients of Erin Miles.

Testimonial by L.G.

I look forward to my regular massages. Since going to Erin, I can move better and I hurt less. She is amazing- Thank you!

Testimonial by B.S.

Erin you are very good at massage. You are extremely knowledgeable  regarding the plethora of techniques. You are empathetic and non-judgmental. Your ethics seem to be above reproach. You are well educated and well spoken. You seem to relish more education. This would be evident to all who are lucky to have you as their therapist.


Testimonial of my Lomi Lomi Session by S.B.

Deeply therapeutic bodywork is incorporated into this ancient, ceremonial type of massage known as Lomi Lomi. As a massage therapist, teacher and healer myself, I have always marveled at the beautiful, continuous flow of a Lomi Lomi massage which incorporates the whole body into its beautiful, rhythmic, long, flowing strokes. After receiving a Lomi Lomi session I realize why Lomi Lomi practioners are referred to as natural healers. The techniques used in this ancient form of bodywork are deeply therapeutic both physically and mentally. The way in which a Lomi Lomi session is executed brings a unique healing experience to the individual. During a session, while enjoying the therapeutic qualities of the deep, long, flowing strokes accompanied by movements performed on the areas of focus, one might have a recollection of a past event of importance for the overall healing process. During a session one may experience a feeling of being transported to another place or time. After the session, one abounds feeling physically balanced, as though the body’s weight is perfectly and evenly distributed over the feet. The body’s posture is in perfect yogic form, with the pelvis tilted forward, shoulders down, chest and abdomen open and head facing forward. Following my session, initially, my body felt relaxed and renewed, a few hours later, I felt very deeply relaxed and restful and enjoyed a very peaceful nights sleep.